The Do's and Don'ts of Interviewing
When interviewing you need to put your best foot forward. Below are some tips to ensure your interview is a success.
Interviewing Etiquette 101
- Research the job and organization thoroughly
- Bring several copies of your resume
- Act natural and appear relaxed, not rehearsed
- Confident approach and handshake
- Show enthusiasm, Smile!
- Listen to the interviewer
- Clarify ambiguous questions
- Know yourself – interests, skills, strengths etc…
- Give specific examples to support your statements
- Ask relevant questions
- Summarize the main points at end of the interview
- Ask about next Steps and Email a thank you letter
- Be late
- Present an extreme appearance (be conservative)
- Become emotional
- Talk too much
- Speak too negatively about your past experiences or boss’
- Be vague
- Oversell your case
- Overemphasize salary and benefits
- Criticize yourself or undervalue your background